Bachelor of Science in Aviation (BSAV)
The Bachelor of Science in Aviation (BSAV) is designed to prepare those that would like to pursue entry level careers in the aviation industry for workforce entry, equipping them with essential skills and knowledge needed for this endeavor.
We provide individualized, technologically advanced, and cutting-edge education
in the operational and managerial aspects of the global aviation industry.
We cultivate an interdisciplinary and globally focused pedagogical approach
based on systems thinking in understanding and solving aviation problems.
We help enhance the ability to engage
in actions that contribute to social and professional community development through an interdisciplinary understanding of community needs, issues, and priorities.
We emphasize attitudes and skills
for effective communication, lifelong learning, and leadership as members of the global aviation economy.
We rely for our individualized academic approach
on academics and professionals with longtime international experience in aviation and education, utilizing the most up to date training material available.
We root our pedagogy in the highest standards
of sustainability-based thinking, ethical behavior, and academic theory always considering the safety and security of aviation as their highest priorities.
How to Apply
Enrolling in our online program has never been easier and it is free!
Step 3 - Enrol and pay
Once you have been accepted to our Institution, you'll need to pay the required fees to secure your place, unless you are receiving a scholarship.
Step 1 - Apply online
Just click on the APPLY NOW tab and fill in our online application form in English. Once we have received your application, our experienced admissions team will contact you within 2 weeks and will guide you through the next step.
Tuition & Fees
Students are required to pay their academic term tuition in at the latest by the end of the first week of that term to avoid being dropped automatically. NEAI tuition is 180 $ per credit.
Step 2 - Application Review
Once we have received your application and all the requested supporting documents, we will review them and contact you to let you know if you have been successful or not.
Contact Us
If you have any questions during your application, contact us and we'll be happy to help.
Do You Have Any Questions?
Contact Us!

The New England Aeronautical Institute does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical disability, or veteran status in the administration of all its activities.